I bought LilMike from a very nice seller at the Horse Whisperer Stable, just at the main gate of the city of Anvil. I named him LilMike in honour of a mysterious but very handsome Nord traveller and adventurer I met in the cold Jerall Mountain passage not far from the shrine of Hermaeus Mora. LilMike the Nord he called himself.
We shared a story or two of our adventures, and though we were in no circumstance to enjoy each other's company further, there being no inn nearby, he promised me that next time we see each other he will invite me to spend a night with him as, in his words, "No other bold adventurer has captured my eye as you have with your peridot tinted hair and fair skin. It would be an honour to know you more intimately, if only for one night."
I heard this, and for a moment my 'fair skin' blushed red at the cheeks. I gave him the address of my residences and should he happen by I will pleasure him with food, drink, and a warm bed for the evening........warmed by me.
The White Horse I acquired I named after this handsome Nord, and he became my ride and travel companion throughout Cyrodiil. He serviced me well and more than deserved my love and the occasional healing when we sometimes landed from a jump that was a little too high for our own good.

On a hunting quest to fulfill taxidermist Melisi Daren's list of animal parts to fill Battlehorn Castle with stuffed critters, I was riding LilMike to Dragonclaw Rock and dismounted him to head into the cave when an ogre and a land dreugh attacked him. I ran as fast as I could, summoned a storm atronach, and fought them but it was too late. LilMike succumbed to the ogre's pummels. Poor, poor thing.
So in the beautiful white horse's memory and his hard work in my service I enchanted an Ebony Dagger with 20 fire damage and 20 shock damage and named it LilMike's Revenge. From now on whenever I see an ogre or land dreugh they will fall in honour of LilMike.
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