^ At first Thulsen was hesitant to be chosen for such huge responsibilities. But I assured him that his impressive grades at the University, his commitment to the security of Cyrodiil and its citizens, and his solid organizational skills sealed him as my top choice. But it was finally my passionate, detailed explanation of my ideas and plans that ignited, energized, and sold him.
With Martin Septim gone and Chancellor Ocato as acting ruler of Cyrodiil until a new heir is established, the entire province sits on unstable ground. I knew that some of the worst things were now behind me (and behind us all), but I also knew that many things needed to be done to maintain a modicum of groundedness, and there was only so much I could do as an individual. So for the next few weeks I made it a ritual to go to Jerall View in Bruma for midday meals and to conceive ways to help stabilize my beloved province.
After many hearty repasts and deep thoughts at the Jerall View I finally came up with a flexible yet solid idea: strengthen ties in Cyrodiil and establish solid footing politically, socially, and psychologically through solidarized relations between all the guilds and factions. One great thing had, of course, been already surmounted - I am the head of nearly all these guilds and factions (though I had delegated active responibilities to selected people to run each guild for me).
To achieve a plan on such a scope I needed to make everyone aware but to focus on one or two guilds at a time personally to set things up while prepping the others for the change.
After many hearty repasts and deep thoughts at the Jerall View I finally came up with a flexible yet solid idea: strengthen ties in Cyrodiil and establish solid footing politically, socially, and psychologically through solidarized relations between all the guilds and factions. One great thing had, of course, been already surmounted - I am the head of nearly all these guilds and factions (though I had delegated active responibilities to selected people to run each guild for me).
To achieve a plan on such a scope I needed to make everyone aware but to focus on one or two guilds at a time personally to set things up while prepping the others for the change.
^ A brief tour of Frostcrag Spire, my chosen site for the first project of such a highly important stabilization endeavor for all of Cyrodiil, the so-called Arcane Expansion.
For the first major project I decided to expand the Arcane University into these present times by way of opening satellites across the expanses of Cyrodiil. Summoning the Mages Guild heads from all over to a meeting, we convened at Frostcrag Spire to plan the whole thing. I named the ambitious project the Arcane Expansion.
I specifically requested that each Arch Magister assign one of their guild members to be their assistant in helping the expansion, and to bring the assistant with them to the meeting. I also created a lottery to choose 24 students of the University to attend the meetings and act to serve the Arch Magisters and to do whatever odd errands or courier services pop up.
The very act of even planning this meeting took several weeks. I selected one of the brightest students, Thulsen, to personally assist me in organizing it and he in turn picked out six other good students to act as liasions and messengers to the main cities' guilds. Thulsen and his team then took up residence in Frostcrag Spire, the nucleus of this ambitious project.
I specifically requested that each Arch Magister assign one of their guild members to be their assistant in helping the expansion, and to bring the assistant with them to the meeting. I also created a lottery to choose 24 students of the University to attend the meetings and act to serve the Arch Magisters and to do whatever odd errands or courier services pop up.
The very act of even planning this meeting took several weeks. I selected one of the brightest students, Thulsen, to personally assist me in organizing it and he in turn picked out six other good students to act as liasions and messengers to the main cities' guilds. Thulsen and his team then took up residence in Frostcrag Spire, the nucleus of this ambitious project.
^ Thulsen and I spent a couple of days familiarizing him with the details of Frostcrag Spire. The little guardians down in the vault immediately loved him, so much so that some of them sheepishly followed him back up to the main hall after we surveyed the vault. Thulsen and his team should find the little critters to be good company while they work.
I knew in advance that a great undertaking such as this would arouse attention from all the other factions in Cyrodiil, as well as potential conflicts from any group or individuals, considering the state of the province that is without an emperor and highly volatile. I installed a dozen Fighters Guild trainees in well stocked camps near the Spire as lookouts and scouts. Then I called a meeting with the Blades at Cloud Ruler Temple to request some of their best men for the job of guarding the Spire itself for the duration of the expansion project.
As I suspected, some of the Arch Magisters were vehemently opposed to it, unsurprisingly the older ones, particularly Teekeeus of Chorrol and Dagail of the Leyawiin Guild. Adrienne of Skingrad and Kud-Ei of the Bravil Guild were the most enthused, and had actually been wondering if something like this would finally happen with the University. Carahil of Anvil and Falcar of Cheydinhal were confused and asked for more details, which prompted me to begin the meeting by stating the great benefits, and the nature of, the expansion of the University.
I told the Arch Magisters that I'll explain everything in detail to them once we're all at Frostcrag Spire for what would amount to several days' worth of discussion, deliberation, dissemination, and delegation.
I will share more of this major undertaking soon.
As I suspected, some of the Arch Magisters were vehemently opposed to it, unsurprisingly the older ones, particularly Teekeeus of Chorrol and Dagail of the Leyawiin Guild. Adrienne of Skingrad and Kud-Ei of the Bravil Guild were the most enthused, and had actually been wondering if something like this would finally happen with the University. Carahil of Anvil and Falcar of Cheydinhal were confused and asked for more details, which prompted me to begin the meeting by stating the great benefits, and the nature of, the expansion of the University.
I told the Arch Magisters that I'll explain everything in detail to them once we're all at Frostcrag Spire for what would amount to several days' worth of discussion, deliberation, dissemination, and delegation.
I will share more of this major undertaking soon.